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Inout WebCrawler Plus


Inout WebCrawler Plus is a new script (released in 2022) from Inout Scripts which is different from the deprecated Inout Spider script.


A script for small to medium businesses. Crawl and build your own database

All Features
1 Year Support
You will be eligible for free basic support of the script (which includes one time script installation, and clarifying your queries about the features of the script) for one year from the date you purchase the license of the script.
6 Months Updates
During the first 6 months from the date you purchase the license of the script you can upgrade to a version update (if any) of the same script, without paying any upgradation fees.
Scalable Architectural Design
As the database & the business grow in size, Inout WebCrawler Plus is built to scale with demand in queries and pull results without increase in delay. Inout WebCrawler Plus is capable of delivering great results at blistering speeds.
XML Search Output
Inout WebCrawler Plus provides search results as XML instead of HTML results. It gives you great flexibility over the results. You may parse these XML results using your own PHP/ASP.NET/JSP program. Also, Inout Search Engine work seamlessly with Inout WebCrawler Plus to expose all the features/capabilities of this, by just configuring the Inout WebCrawler Plus install path and api key in Inout search engine admin area. If you want to write your own program instead of using Inout Search Engine, we are providing a free XML parser documentation to describe the Inout WebCrawler Plus XML output.
Web Search
Inout WebCrawler Plus web search always find the best matched results available in your database for the given keywords.
Unlimited Custom Result Channel
Apart from web results you may create a number of search channels like Script Search, Soccer Search, Wikipedia Search etc, with the help of domain sets and categories.
Domain Sets
Inout WebCrawler Plus allows you to define a domain set in your Inout WebCrawler Plus admin area. Each page the Inout WebCrawler Plus Bots crawl, will be verified against the domain sets, and if it finds a match, it will tag the page to the corresponding domain set. You may later filter/retrieve your web results based on a domain set. It will help you to create a service (with a group of websites) specific search channel.
Similar to domain sets, Inout WebCrawler Plus allows you to define categories from the admin area. You may define the keywords related to a category so that if the bot finds a match with the keyword, it will tag the page to the corresponding category. You may later filter your web results based on the categories to create your desired channel.
Intelligent Result Identifier System
Upon a user query, the result identifier finds out the best matched results from millions of pages. Since the Result Identifier System works very fast, it will fetch the required results as output within milliseconds. At the same time, this system will not compromise with the high level of quality and accuracy of the output expected in any way.
API Keys
API keys protect your Inout WebCrawler Plus data from unauthorized access. It also helps you to authorize/sell search data access to external parties. You may also view the statistics based on API keys which helps you to track the search history and performance from each API key.
Global/Individual Domain Depth Control
Inout WebCrawler Plus helps you to control the crawling process by specifying the domain page depth limit. You can specify the settings by default for all domains or specifically for some selected domains. It will help you to make sure that the Inout WebCrawler Plus resources are utilized the way you want it to be.
Seamless Integration with Inout Search Engine
Inout WebCrawler Plus is designed to be compatible with all third party search engines however, Inout Search Engine is designed to integrate and work with Inout WebCrawler Plus seamlessly. This pairing is recommended if script customization is part of your requirement.
Managed/Automated Crawling
Inout WebCrawler Plus allows you to run your script on different crawling mods. You may specify whether you want to let the crawler to find and manage new domains or the administrator need to approve the domains first before crawling.
Global/Individual Control for Automated Crawling
With Inout WebCrawler Plus you can configure the controlled/uncontrolled domain identification and global/selected domains fetching. This feature will help you to have more specific control on the Inout WebCrawler Plus and to acquire the desired result quality.
Keyword Identification/Retrieval
Inout WebCrawler Plus identifies the meta tags and related keywords of each page while crawling. Upon a user query, these top keywords can be retrieved along with each result. It helps you to find out the keyword tags, related keywords etc.
Search Logs
Inout WebCrawler Plus keeps track of each and every search query request it receives, along with all parameters related to the query. It also tracks the API key associated with each query. It helps you to grab all the statistical details related to the search queries.
This helps you to know your entire status related to domains, pages etc. It will show you total domains count, total pages count, crawled pages count etc.
Allows users to submit their domain names for crawling.
New Domain identification during crawl process
Limit page search by depth
Restrict domains post-crawling and avoid them in results
Parse XML results using your own PHP/ASP/.NET/JSP program.
Managed/Automated Crawling.
Unlimited Domains & APIs
Index unlimited amount of domains and build a vast valuable database ready for business. Create as many APIs as needed for search engines.
  • !

    Webhosting Server - Minimum Requirements:

    • PHP 7.2
    • MySQL 5.0+
    • 200 GB hosting server space.
    • 8 GB RAM or more.
    • ionCube loaders and other standard packages installed in the server.
    • A Plain Server with Ubuntu 18.04 or Ubuntu 20.04 OS.
    • MongoDB and corresponding php drivers.
    • Apache Solr and corresponding php drivers.
    • High bandwidth Internet Port/Connection for the Server (for higher bot efficiency).

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