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Inout SiteSearch


Allow your customers to search on your website content easily and efficiently, just placing a search widget code of Inout SiteSearch.

Main Features
Easy Integratable Search Box in any Web pages
Inout SiteSearch allows you to integrate the search box in any web page very easily. You can find the widget code from the admin area, which can be placed in any web page where you want to show the search box.
Fastest Search Results
Inout SiteSearch internally uses Google APIs to fetch results for your website and display them back to your website. This is done in an extremely efficient way and is done with minimum overhead. Which means the search will be very fast and efficient.
No Coding Required
You don't need to write a single line of code to integrate the search box and to fetch the search results. Search box/result widget code handles it automatically.
Multiple Domain Sets
Inout SiteSearch allows you to define multiple domains that can be configured to search only one domain or many domains. For example, if you have a portal that aggregates content from your multiple websites, Inout SiteSearch can be configured to do a search on all these websites. You are able to manage the existing domains. The added domain also to be configured in google custom search API panel also.
Google Custom Search API Configuration
You can easily manage your custom search API configuration from your admin panel. From that section you can update your custom search engine ID and API key of Google which is used for Inout SiteSearch for providing search results.
Customizable Look and Feel
Inout SiteSearch helps you to manage the look and feel of the search box and search results easily, by allowing you to modify the CSS styles of the results which have been explained in detail in the admin panel.
Result Cache
In order to reduce the API calls and to speed up the search query, Inout SiteSearch caches the results into the database for a specific period of time which can be configurable from the admin panel. It will reduces the API calls for some specific period of time for the same search keyword.
Cache Period
Although the result cache feature helps to get faster results, we cannot always fetch results from cache, considering the chance to get outdated results. Because of this, the cache period is set to be configurable based on administrator preferences and clear the outdated results. It will make sure that the results are updated frequently as the time interval expires.
Recent Search History
Inout SiteSearch keeps track of each and every search query request it receives. It helps you to identify the searches that are used by various users through widget code placed in different webpages. It helps you to grab all the statistical details related to the search queries.
Search Statistics
Inout SiteSearch lets you know your entire search statistics includes the total searches and caches that are maintained in the system and its time based statistics. It will help you to get the status of searches.
Offering Higher Level of Security
Inout SiteSearch ensures the security and protection of your admin area. We ensure it by using Google’s two factor authentication for more secure operations that are initiated from your account other than the normal password protection and captcha verification. If two factor authentication enabled most of the secure activities prompts you to enter the auth code to complete that activity.
Responsive Widget Code
Inout SiteSearch provides responsive search widget code that can be added to your responsive websites.
Visitor Tracking
Inout SiteSearch allows you to configure the third party analytics code in the admin panel thus can track the visitors of the search result page.
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