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Inout Music Android App Addon


Build your own music portal with fully loaded Inout Music Android App Addon.

All Features
Audio/Video Tracks & Albums
Let the sellers add their music in audio or video format.
Demo Tracks
Along with each track and album the sellers may upload a sample demo, which can help the buyers to choose an album or track before they confirm their purchase.
Audio/Video Player
Tracks can be played on Inout Music App. Try them out before buying them or just listen to freely listed ones. Stay and enjoy.
Artists & Genre Classification
You may create music genres to any level. It will allow sellers to organize their tracks/albums in the very specific genre rather than tagging it into a more generic level. Members can add any number of artists' profile they prefer and tag those artists to the albums or tracks they sell.
Music Search
Advanced music search options with multiple filters like name, type, genre and country helps your members to find the exact track/albums they are looking for.
Like Your Favorite Albums
A member can like any album published by other members. Likes will help other visitors/members to choose the best albums from a wide collection.
Albums/Tracks Browsing
Users can browse through all albums and tracks in your portal. They can narrow it down further, based on the origin of the album.
User comments
Let your music portal be expressive and active. The member/visitor comments on each album will keep your portal lively and active.
Abuse reports
Keep your portal clean. You visitors can now report any abusive albums/tracks they find as inappropriate for your portal. You can later view all these abuse reports from your admin area and take necessary action.
Purchase Album or Tracks Individually
Members may purchase a complete album or they can choose the tracks they want to purchase. Sellers can specify the individual track price and the total album price.
Single Sign-On
Artists and buyers needn't have separate accounts anymore. Users can sell and purchase from a single login. There is no need to have multiple accounts for a single user.
Built-In Uninterrupted Player.
The music player continues to play the track while you use the app and move from page to page uninterrupted.
Create multiple playlists and listen to your favorite music right from the app. Offer your customers another reason to stay.
Free Usage
Define the number of free usage days for the new users from the app by just editing the configuration file.
Free Store
Even when you host a commercial portal, there can be many albums and tracks that are listed as free. Inout Music App has a special area from where users can download these free music immediately after signing up. They don't have to go through each and every track to see whether it is free or not, but can easily find free music available from this special area.
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