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Inout Jobs Portal Android App Addon


Jobs Portal Android App Addon.

Review and Rating System
Jobseekers can be allowed to post reviews and ratings about companies which gives you a complete idea about the reputation of the companies.
Related Job Notifications
Jobseekers will be notified about all their related jobs through emails in a periodic fashion.
Dream Jobs for Job Seekers
Any user of Inout Jobs Portal can easily search for their dream jobs using our effective and easy filtering options. User registration is not mandatory to search and view jobs. There are different filtering options available for efficient searching like, search based on Keywords, Location, Experience, Industry, Job Type and Expected Salary.
Elegant Job Listing Design
Users can view the posted jobs, categorized on the basis of industry and locations in the right panel. So they can easily select any jobs matching their taste. This helps the job seekers to reach their dream jobs without having to go through all the listed jobs.
Fast and Easy CV Creation
You can upload your CV easily in one click. Also, you may add necessary personal, contact information, educational information and current and preferred job details in addition to your resume. This helps the employers to easily download and keep your resume safe. You can also add a picture of you, so that you can get more attention of the employers. Accomplishing the above things will result in 100% profile completion status.
Check Profile Completeness
This feature helps the users to check whether their profile is complete or not. On the top of my CV page we have added a profile completion bar. The bar will be filled accordingly with the completion of necessary information required by the employer. If it is 100% then user's profile is complete.
Cover Letter
This feature helps the job seekers to get immediate attention of employers. Cover letter is the face of job seeker's resume. Hence, the more attractive they are, the more chance they could get the attention. Job seekers can manage cover letter from their account. They also have the option to edit their cover letter and attach it with the resume, before applying for a job.
Apply for Jobs Easily
With Inout Jobs Portal you can apply for jobs easily. The user friendly interface makes it possible to apply for any jobs with a single click. Only the registered users can apply for jobs with Inout Jobs Portal, others can simply view jobs.
Never Miss Any Important Activities
This salient feature notifies the users about all the activities related to their profiles. If any employer has viewed the job seekers profile, then they will be notified about this. If the employer finds the job seekers profile interesting, then he/she can contact the job seeker by mail or can save his resume. In either case, the job seeker will be informed about these activities when he login to the system.
Save your Favorite Jobs
Job seekers can save their favourite jobs. The saved jobs can be accessed easily and from there itself he can apply for that job. You can save your favourite jobs without any limit.
Related Jobs
At the time of resume creation, job seekers can specify their interested industries. Once the user login, they will be shown jobs matching their specified industries. Users other than members will not have this feature.
Block Companies
If users want to hide their details from some particular companies, then they can block that company. Once they block the employer that particular employer will not see the profile of corresponding user. Users can find this feature in the footer.
Information Visibility
Using this feature, users can set visibility of his information like resume and contact number. One can choose which all fields has to be made visible to others. You can disable your resume visibility status from settings section, by doing so no one will be able to see you.
Email to Friend
Job seekers can email or refer any particular job to their friend. You can inform your friends about a vacancy or let your friends know about a company.
Post Your Story
Share your success story with Inout Jobs Portal and let it be an inspiration to others. You can post your story from home page. These stories can be managed from the admin area.
Latest News and Events
Latest news and events will be posted here. The job seeker can keep updated about latest news and events with this feature. Here, administrator can post different news update and events.
Featured Employers
Depending on the package chosen by the employer, they will get additional benefits to make their profile a featured one. Employers having this feature will be highlighted in the public area.
Highlighted Jobs
The highlighted jobs are the jobs that will be highlighted in the job list area and hence, catches the immediate attention of job seekers. Employers can make use of this feature to get their job vacancies highlighted in Inout Jobs Portal.
Resume Search
This feature allows employer to search for qualifying job seekers. Two types of searching is possible with Inout Jobs Portal. Employer can either go for an advanced filter search using different options or they can go for a simple keyword based searching.
Post Your Own Jobs
Employer can post jobs easily with our simple and effective user interface. If any job seeker has applied for the job, then the respective employer will be notified. The number of jobs that can be posted by a particular employer will depend on the chosen package scheme.
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