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Inout Dropshipping


Premium e-commerce script.

All Features
1 Year Support
You will be eligible for free basic support of the script (which includes one time script installation, and clarifying your queries about the features of the script) for one year from the date you purchase the license of the script.
6 Months Updates
During the first 6 months from the date you purchase the license of the script you can upgrade to a version update (if any) of the same script, without paying any upgradation fees.
Mobile Responsive Design
Mobile ready design allows your site visitors to comfortably browse from any device. Inout Dropshipping adapts its layout to any screen size or device.
Powerful Dashboard
Inout Dropshipping has a simple and elegant dashboard for admin and sellers/vendors that has all the important information related to products, product sales etc.
One to Many
Inout Dropshipping allows a product to be sold by multiple sellers/vendors. Sellers/Vendors can request products added by admin, same products can be requested by mutiple vendors and they can assign the price on their own discretion. Once the request is approved by admin the products will be available to users to purchase.
Default Seller/Vendor
Administrators can set a seller/vendor globally as a default seller/vendor by choosing the seller/vendor from a drop down or can set a seller/vendor as default whose products is most purchased. Alternatively admin can set a default seller/vendor for each product also. Users can see who is the default seller/vendor from product details page and they can choose other seller/vendor from the same section.
Auto Adjust Default Seller/Vendor
A product is only available to users to purchase if a seller/vendor is requsted and approved by admin, what if a default seller/vendor set by admin for a product is not requested by that default seller/vendor? System will auto adjust and make the immediate/next seller/vendor who requested for the product as the default seller for that particular product.
Multiple Seller/Vendor Products in Same Order
Users can purchase products of different sellers/vendors in a single go. Everything will come under the same order.
Unlimited Categories, Products
Inout Dropshipping is designed to hold unlimited amount of products and list them under as many categories and sub categories as required.
Expose products from all angles
Shoppers want to see as much details as possible before buying. Optional product images you can add for each product. Show off your product at every angle even the minute details with Inout Dropshipping.
Embed YouTube Videos
You can exhibit your products like never before by adding videos to your product pages.
Banner Content
Admin can add banner content from admin area that displays in the home page as a promotional material for different products/categories etc.
Showcase your Products with Zoom
Give customers a crystal clear view of your products with our best Zoom feature. With just a roll of the mouse, shoppers can see the finest details of any product image, helping to raise confidence in the quality of your items before they purchase.
Complete Content Management
All content in the script can be changed. All products, logos, categories right down to 'about us', 'terms of conditions', 'privacy policy' can be edited.
View Related Products
User can see products from the same categories as 'Related Products' under a product's detail page.
Order Transaction History
With this feature, you can view the details of transactions that occurred in your site. Transaction history includes payment date, amount etc. This will help you to gain a clear idea about the income of your store.
Automated Email Confirmation
When the seller/vendor marks an order as "Shipping Completed" in the system, an e-mail is automatically triggered to the customer informing them that their order has been shipped along with the comments added by seller/vendor. Also the customer can see the status and comments in the website also.
Allow Customer Reviews
Let customers promote your products by easily adding their reviews. These insights can provide real-time feedback for your online store and helps customer to choose the best product.
Add Products to Member's "Wish" Lists
Provide customers the extra benefit of adding products to their 'wish' list for future purchase. This tool invites shoppers to revisit your site and fill up their carts easier than ever before.
Rate Your Favorite Products
Inout Dropshipping allows your users to star individual products. We provide a 5 star rating system along with the rating statistic for each product based on the ratings it has received. This is very useful for getting a real-time feedback from users regarding a product.
Easy Return
The Inout Dropshipping return process is simple and organized in the best way possible, as your customers need this process to be quick and easy.
Multi-Language Support
Inout Dropshipping allows you to set a default language for your online store and select other languages to support while allowing your customers to choose the language of your store.
PHP Development With MVC(Model-View-Controller) Framework
Inout Dropshipping is using the professional MVC style of PHP development, which enables you to extend/customize the software adding any new feature you want, with minimal maintenance/customization cost.
Powerful and Feature Rich Multi-Vendor/Seller System
Inout Dropshipping has the most detailed and powerful multi-vendor/seller system in which they can see the products added by admin and can request the product to sell. Each vendor/seller has separate login to manage their products, orders, shipping, and payments.
Fast and Easy Seller/Vendor Registration
Seller/Vendors who are looking to sell products in Inout Dropshipping can easily register and become a seller/vendor.
"Add to Cart" in a Single Mouse Click
Get all your desired items into your cart with just a mouse click.
Unlimited Number of Seller/Vendor Accounts
There is no limit to the number of sellers/vendors that can be a part of Inout Dropshipping. You can expand your business with no logical restraints and earn commission for each sale they make with your store.
Separate Admin Area for Each Seller/Vendor
Each seller/vendor is provided with a separate admin panel to manage their own settings and products. Seller/Vendors cannot interfere with each other's activity.
Earn Commission for Each Sale
Now you can make extra earning from commissions using Inout Dropshipping. You can deduct a commission amount from sellers/vendors for each sale they are making. Commission rate can be easily configured from the admin area and will be applicable to all sellers/vendors.
Ajax Based Price Sorting
Inout Dropshipping comes with adjustable price bar. This feature will help your users to sort the search result based on price range. This will help your users to save the time required to go through all products.
Auto Scrolling
Now with auto scrolling feature, you can get results without making additional clicks to see more products. This replaces the traditional pagination. The added bonus is speed as endless scrolling is much faster than the traditional pagination.
Featured Products
Admin can make a product featured which will have a special attention among users.
Seller/Vendor Payment
A Seller/ Vendor can request for his payment once a sale is completed, once seller/vendor requested the amount, then after deducting the commission admin will send the amount offine and mark the status as 'Amount Paid'.
Popular Sellers/Vendors Section
Reward your best. All your popular sellers/vendors will be displayed based on the number of sales they have committed in public side. This helps the users to gain trust of your sellers/vendors.
Ajax Based Category Sorting
Ajax based category sorting helps users to sort the results based on category. Ajax based sorting saves users time and they can get faster filtered results without page loading.
Product Based Return Policies
Sellers/Vendors can determine whether a product can be requested for return or not. Once it is enabled then they can set a timeframe for it from the date of purchase. Users can request for a return if they are within that timeframe. Once return requested issued along with a valid reason by the user, seller/vendor can approve or reject the request. Once approved then user can contact the seller/vendor for further actions.
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    Minimum Requirements:

    • PHP 7.2
    • MySQL 5.0+
    • 20 GB hosting server space.
    • 2 GB RAM or more.
    • ionCube loaders and other standard packages installed in the server (this can be configured with WHM if it is already not installed).
    • WHM/Cpanel/Plesk control panel
    • You will have to configure SMTP server details in admin area for sending emails to ensure better inbox delivery.

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installation 6 months updates 1 year standard support
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