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Add-ons offer great increases in revenue possibilities, offers more features and increase your competitive capability.
Add 100s of ERC20 tokens to your exchange easily. The 'Ethereum and ERC20 Tokens Manager (MC Edition)' addon for Inout Blockchain Multi-Interfacer Core allows you to easily add Ethereum based ERC20 tokens to your payment platform. 'Ethereum and ERC20 Tokens Manager (MC Edition)' addon mainly have two parts. An interfacer (Inout Blockchain Interfacer - ETH and ERC20 Tokens) and an app-connector (MC_Connector - ETH and ERC20 Tokens). The interfacer and main application (Inout Blockchain Multi-Interfacer Core) are recommended to run in two separate servers for enhanced security.
Inout Blockchain Interfacer - ETH and ERC20 Tokens
MC Connector - ETH and ERC20 Tokens
Technical Requirements
The 'Inout Blockchain Interfacer - Bitcoin (MC Edition)' addon for Inout Blockchain Multi-Interfacer Core allows you to easily add Bitcoin based coins and allows you to use these additional coins. 'Inout Blockchain Interfacer - Bitcoin (MC Edition)' addon mainly have two parts. An interfacer (Inout Blockchain Interfacer - Bitcoin) addon part which is to be installed along with script and also the second part called the bitcoin daemon that is to be installed and configure Remote Procedure Call details to the interfacer addon section within the script. The daemon and main application (Inout Blockchain Multi-Interfacer Core) are recommended to run in two separate servers for enhanced security.
Inout Blockchain Interfacer - Bitcoin
Technical Requirements