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ChatGPT (AI Based Chatbot) Integration Service

Are you looking to integrate ChatGPT (Amazing AI based chatbot from OpenAI) to your website or search engine? We can help you.

Our ChatGPT Integration Service helps you to launch a cool AI based chatbot for your website visitors or users. We can help you with the openAI API configuration, setting up the chat service etc. We may also help you to fine-tune the chat service to meet your design/project requirements.

If anyone is new to ChatGPT, you may click the link here to have a look at this amazing AI chatbot.

Demo Screenshots

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Features and Benefits
  • We can help you to integrate a responsive chat window..
  • We can customize the chat interface design.
  • We can link the chat service seamlessly from your website/search engine.
  • We may help you to do your custom requirements in connection with the chat service.
Frequently Asked Questions
  • Why should I have ChatGPT integrated to my website?
    ChatGPT is an excellent source of a lot of information for most of its users. If you are running a search engine or a rich-information website, people will love to have a good chatbot where they can ask direct questions and get accurate answers. ChatGPT may be your best option to provide this feature.
  • Is the chat responsive?
    Yes, the chat interface we are integrating for you is responsive.
  • Can this chat window open in a popup window?
    Yes, we can integrate the chat interface to open in a popup window.
  • If I have a special customization requirement, can it be implemented by you?
    The door will remain open. If you have special customization requirements other than the basic integration, sure, let's discuss the possibilities.
  • What programming language support should I have in my server?
    Currently the chat window is facilitated using python backend. We may also introduce a PHP and/or nodeJS version in future. We can help you to setup python, if you don’t have it installed already in your server.
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