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Simple & powerful Pay Per Click (PPC) script designed for small business owners. This script allows business owners to have advertisers as clients and earn revenue through Click Through Rates (CTRs) & Impressions.

Ad and Advertiser Management

Ads are monitored for clicks, impressions, quality and fraudulent activity while the advertiser activities like ad requesting and revenue management including ad code generation can easily be managed from the PPC script.

Detailed & Transparent Statistics

Keep track of your entire business under one script. Manage clicks, impressions, resources, fraudulent clicks for both script owner and advertisers.

Revenue Boosting Options

Increased rates above the suggested bids can be used to better promote ads. A useful feature for advertisers to gain greater exposure and impression while improving revenue options for the business owner. Promotional emails can be sent out to potential advertisers and there are no limits on the amount of websites to paste the ad code.

Safe & Automated Operations

With automated fraudulent tracking, revenue boosting and robust infrastructure Inout PPC Engine is built to provide a small business owner all that is required under one roof.

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