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Inout Email Marketer (formerly known as, Inout Mailing List Manager) is a bulk mailing and mailing list management script developed in PHP. Send numerous email campaigns & manage unlimited amount of emails & lists from one script. Create projects to manage multiple campaigns and automatically trigger post dated campaigns. Detailed statistics, multiple SMTPS & Live tracking allow you to stay in complete control.

Price starts from: USD 249

Improved Layout

Latest version brings you an elegant layout which gives you a better and improved interface to work on. Inout Email Marketer comes up with a better layout which gives you a smooth experience.

Responsive Interface

Gain quick and easy access onto Email Marketer while on the go. The responsive design will fill any screen mobile or tablet.


Latest version allows admin to explore a new dashboard in our script. A new look dashboard is available which gives you a brief idea on campaigns in our script.

Ideal for Small & Medium Business

Reach large audiences with affordable costs whether you are trying for your first customers or just trying to stay in touch with your current, email is still the most effective online marketing communication tool of our time.

Keep Building Your list

Inout Email Marketer boasts of a simplified email list manager among its other features. Keep adding to those lists with site subscription codes or dump bulk contacts directly into them. Filter them easily and maintain a clean list.

Marketing Under Your Control

With Inout Email Marketer, you can manage all campaigns, track all activity live, add/remove contacts or lists and especially the costs. With affordable fixed one time price for the script, your marketing costs are in better control.

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